


Guide & Leading

Solution-focused leadership is simple, safe and effective – it ensures healthy and sustainable mutual success. You can find out how it works in our courses and seminars.

Coaching & Consulting

As a confidential contact, we accompany you on the way to your best solutions and goals: in coaching, counseling sessions, and moderation of conflicts or meetings.

Agile & Solution-focused

Whether agile teams, scrum masters, product owners, or management: Agile organizations need very individual support. Here you will find the right offer for your current topics.


coaching agile teams

Leading and coaching agile teams

Promoting cooperation, avoiding resistance, using questioning techniques effectively, acting in a goal- and success-focused manner, and using existing potential, we bring these and other topics with us.

tools for solution focused team development

Tools for solution-focused team development

Highly motivated teams also achieve high goals: We have compiled and developed effective techniques and tools that make it possible to form such teams.

success through agile coaching

Success through agile coaching

Self-organization, discipline, and commitment: We accompany you and your organization, or even individual teams, with experience and competence on your way to a successful agile approach.

Advanced Product Owner Training

Advanced product owner training

As a Product Owner, you are constantly moving between worlds with often conflicting needs: Effective tools and solutions for current challenges are the content of this training course.