Sharing makes you rich – More is not enough!

sharing makes you rich

Sharing courage

The last article was about “Sharing makes you rich. And much more.” If I had known back then what this post would achieve, I might have been more careful…

What happened?
Just two days after writing the blog post, I woke up and knew that I had a clear mission, namely

Giving away courage!

The only question that remained was how to do it. So I told as many people as possible about the idea of the courage bank. The following Monday, I received so many ideas on this topic from some of the donors that nothing should stand in the way of the concept of giving courage as a gift at the courage bank.

Bild einer MutBank

My request to you: Be “overconfident” and participate in the courage bank!

You can do this, for example, by leaving a comment or writing your blog post on the topic and sharing your courage in this way!

Sharing experience

Last Tuesday, we tried a new experiment: three visitors from two companies came to spend the day with us. There were many conversations, questions, “aha” moments and much more to learn. Here I would like to share with you the feedback that was passed on to me from both sides after the day:

Feedback from the visitors:

Many thanks for the information, and thanks again for the great day with you in Nuremberg! Cxxxx

Thank you so much for giving us such a great and informative day with you! I must say that I am really impressed by the way you work and I can also well imagine that your “office” is a really pleasant place to work. Please also give my heartfelt thanks to all those who gave us such an open and friendly insight into their daily working lives. See you soon … Until then, have a good time and best regards, Wxxxx

Feedback from the “visitors”:

+Exchange in both directions
+Many different focus topics
+many new insights (about flat hierarchies)

+ Exchange and interaction with the teams […] something was also presented […] by individual developers
+ Daily planning in Confluence
+ Early and repeated announcement

Share pictures

In December 2016, Melanie asked me at an Agile Monday whether it would be possible to visit her and her colleagues. Then, she said, more people would have the opportunity to exchange ideas and enrich themselves by sharing. I had light-heartedly agreed at the time and then racked my brains as to how this visit could be organized in a meaningful way. The result was a photo report on our way of working entitled “How mosquitoes and elephants fertilize each other”.


The “canned” version included a virtual tour of our visual centre, as well as a release retro in photos. It’s about how we share and learn from each other across departmental boundaries, even though one is as big as an elephant and the other as small as a gnat.

Bild mit Mücke und Elefant

Here are some of the reactions to the presentation that arrived just a few minutes later via SMS, Twitter and email:

Hello Werner,
I’m still flashed by your presentation. My colleagues too, by the way …

Thank you very much …. The courage bank kept some people busy afterwards, oh yes, it was so nice!

Start trusting the teams, then empower them and pass on responsibility. You will find yourself utterly impressed with what can happen. Don’t believe… visit Werner…

How is this supposed to continue?

Well, if it’s up to me – hopefully exuberantly and with a lot of exchange! 🙂

So: please visit the courage bank and do what you do at a bank: if you have a lot, deposit some of your courage. And if you need some, then borrow some from others. You’re sure to get your deposited courage back with interest and compound interest whenever you want – at the current exchange rate. Because exchange gives you courage – that’s for sure. 🙂

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