Gitte KlitgaardTalk: 60 minutes
You have to be brave in order to change the world!
This holds true professionally and personally. Being brave is not about removing fear or not being afraid – it is about doing what is necessary even when you are afraid.
In our jobs (and in life), we face uncertainty & resistance, need to handle conflicts. This holds even more true in agile, where changing is part of everyday. Being part of an agile transition while most managers are still doing traditional management styles requires bravery. Succeeding is faster when being brave – including failing fast
Standing by who you are even when your surroundings find you strange, having the courage to be different, making yourself vulnerable, speaking up when there is something important to you, sharing your fears and joys requires courage and cojones.
I live this personally; I have to be brave and I even have a tattoo with the title; and it is also a big learning I try to pass on to the people I coach. Being brave and vulnerable is necessary.
In my session I want to talk about why I have to, give examples of how I am courageous, and why being brave is a big part of being agile.. I will explain the meaning of brave and courageous.
I hope to have a session with lots of questions, comments and discussions.
Examples: Telling the team that it is my first time with distributed teams and that I need help with Indian culture. Asking for help. Telling stories of failures and scary stuff. Telling the truth to clients which is not necessarily what they want to her.
Short Bio

Gitte Klitgaard Hansen is an Agile Coach, Pirate, Dragon Lady, Hugger, and much much more. She is agile; live it and love it. Preferred starting point is scrum and then adapting is the key. Gitte has 10 years experience in different aspects of software development from testing, analysis, and processes to currently doing Agile Transformation. She wants to change the world by helping people in their work life; getting more work done, making the right product, doing it right and very important: have fun doing it She is a geek and very passionate about a lot of stuff