Solution Focused Coaching and Retrospectives
Dr. Ralph Miarka and Veronika Jungwirth, MC
The attendees will experience a solution focused retrospective setup, different to the work by Larsen & Derby. After the sessions, the attendees could apply this different format and they understand why and how it works. We introduce the participants to the values, principles and practices from solution focused coaching (De Shazer & Kim Berg). We also introduce scales as means to provoke team transparency and to instigate a conversation about the change that the team / team members want to see happen. This approach leaves the responsibility of change in the hands of the motivated individuals.
Attendees will take back:
- knowledge about the solution focused approach (values, principles and practices)
- a short method for self-reflection as opening
- question techniques from professional coaching
- questions for asking towards the desired future goal, including positivity
- using scaling to visualize differences between now and then
- questions to enquire about examples of the desired future already in the present or past
- questions to initiate first little steps towards the desired goal
- experience report about using such retrospectives
- lasting experience by doing a retrospective themselves in the session
We will work with the participants through a retrospective on the topic “How to improve the effectiveness of their retrospectives?”, so that they experience the method themselves in order to decide whether they would like to try it out. Also, learning is enhanced by hands-on experience of the participants.

Veronika Jungwirth, MC, is a professional coach and trainer for solution focused coaching at the Solution Management Center, Vienna. She is selfemployed since she gained her Master’s degree in Coaching and Solution Focused Management in 2006. She works with clients from different background, from industry and public services. Veronika founded the Austrian Solution Circle as a platform for people that apply the solution focused approach in their work.

Ralph Miarka, is a professional coach and trainer for agile teams. He gained his Master’s degree in Systemic Coaching in December 2012. Ralph is CS(M|PO|P) and provided many Scrum trainings alone and as co-trainer. Ralph worked for Siemens AG Austria where he lead project teams successfully using agile principles and practices before he turned independent in January 2010.
We live in Vienna and we are interested in the combination of the solution focused approach and the agile values and principles, as we believe and experience that this will bring the most benefit to our customers. Together we offer the training “Leading and Coaching agile Teams“.