Research Challenges in Large-Scale Agile Development
Torgeir Dingsøyr and Nils Brede Moe
Academic Workshop
Agile software development methods were made for small, co‐located development teams, but are increasingly applied in other settings. Several large projects, with a number of teams that develop complex systems have started to use agile methods. How to apply agile methods to large projects was identified as the “top burning research question” by practitioners at XP2010. This workshop seeks to identify the main research challenges in conducting agile software development in large-scale. Such challenges include team coordination, knowledge sharing an facilitating self management. The workshop will also focus on appropriate research designs for such studies.
Download abstracts and slides:
- Slides: Workshop Introduction
- Abstract: Non-functional Requirements in Large-Scale Agile Development – Parastoo Mohagheghi
- Abstract: Requirements Engineering: Leading Challenged Customers to Success in Large-Scale Agile Development – Elke Hochmüller
- Abstract: Validity of Research on Large-Scale Agile Projects – Darja Šmite, Burak Turhan
- Slides: Validity of Research on Large-Scale Agile Projects – Darja Šmite, Burak Turhan

Dr. Torgeir Dingsøyr works with software process improvement and knowledge management projects as a senior scientist at SINTEF Information and Communication Technology. He has published more than 60 refereed papers in this field, including articles in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Software, Communications of the ACM, Information and Software Technology and Empirical Software Engineering. In particular, he has focused on agile software development through a number of case studies, co-authoring of a systematic review of empirical studies, co-editing of the book “Agile Software Development: Current Research and Future Directions” and co-edited the special issue on Agile Methods of the Journal of Systems and Software. He wrote his doctoral thesis on “Knowledge Management in Medium-Sized Software Consulting Companies” at the Department of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, where he is now Adjunct Associate Professor.

Dr. Nils Brede Moe works with software process improvement, agile software development and global software development as a senior scientist at SINTEF Information and Communication Technology. His research interests are related to organizational, socio-technical and global/distributed aspects. His main publications in the field of agile software development include several longitudinal studies on self-management and teamwork and co-editing of the books “Agile Software Development: Current Research and Future Directions” and “Agility Across Time and Space: Implementing Agile Methods in Global Software Projects.” Moe was also a co-organizing chair of the 11th International Conference on Agile Software Development (XP2010) and co-producer of the research at work stage at Agile2011 and Agile India 2012. He wrote his thesis for the degree of doctor philosophiae on “From Improving Processes to Improving Practice – Software Process Improvement in Transition from Plan-driven to Change-driven Development.”