RefTest2013 – International Workshop on Refactoring & Testing
Francesca Arcelli Fontana, Steve Counsell, Alessandro Murgia and Roberto Tonelli
Academic Workshop
Refactoring and its testing implications/crossover have emerged over recent years to become important inter-related research topics with high industrial resonance. Many issues and problems still remain unexplored in these two highly-related fields incorporating topics such as the theoretical underpinnings of refactoring, Test Driven Development, empirical studies, refactoring of test artefacts, code smell analysis and patterns (both design and micro) to name just a few. Refactoring also has a growing importance in the monitoring of system’s evolution and the propensity of systems to minimise maintenance effort and fault propensity; the over- riding question, still largely unanswered, is whether we can quantify the benefits of refactoring.
The purpose and goal of the RefTest Workshop is to bring together industrial practitioners and academics in a setting where current issues in refactoring and test crossover can be presented, relationships with testing discussed, results from current research in refactoring/testing disseminated and future directions distilled.
Topics of interest for the RefTest Wien workshop are as follows:
- Industrial System Experiences with Refactoring/TDD
- Pair Programming for Refactoring and Writing Tests
- Refactoring Theory and Models
- Empirical Studies of Refactoring (OSS)
- Refactoring Test artefacts
- Code Smell Evaluation and Eradication
- Design Patterns and Refactoring
- Micro-patterns and Refactoring
- Refactoring and System Evolution
- Software Metrics for evaluating the Refactoring process
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit full papers (approximately 8-12 pages) or position/discussion papers (max 4 pages) in Springer format, guidelines: format. All submissions will be peer-reviewed. At least one of the authors of accepted papers should attend the Workshop to present the paper. You may submit papers at
We welcome academic and industrial contributions.
We are currently in discussions with a primary Software Engineering Journal, indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, to produce a special issue from selected papers from the Workshop.
For more information, visit the workshop website
Questions about the workshop may be addressed to
Francesca Arcelli Fontana has received her master and PhD degrees in Computer Science at the University of Milano, Italy. She currently holds the position of Associate Professor at the University of Milan ‐Bicocca. Her actual research activity principally concerns the software engineering field. In particular, her attention is focused on software evolution and reverse engineering, design patterns detection for reverse engineering, program comprehension, and system migration towards SOA architectures.
Alessandro Murgia received the laurea degree in Electronic Engineering in 2007, and his Ph.D. in Information Engineering in 2011 at University of Cagliari. He was post-doc for two years at the same department, and visiting student at Brunel University for three months. He is currently enrolled at the Antwerp University. His research interests are data mining from software repositories, software metrics, software bugs, and text analysis.
Roberto Tonelli received the laurea degree in Physics in 1995 and his Ph.D. in Physics in 2000, working on complex dynamical systems. He received his second Ph.D. in Software Engineering. He has been visiting researcher at University of Maryland, and post- doc researcher at University of California Berkeley. He is currently with the Electrical and Electronic Department at University of Cagliari – Italy, working on complex software networks and software quality. He has published over 60 Conference and Journal papers.
Steve Counsell was awarded his PhD in 2002 from the University of London where he was a lecturer from 1998. He moved to Brunel University in 2004 and has published over 135 Conference and Journal papers in the areas of software metrics, refactoring and software engineering topics in general. Steve is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and much of his research is in collaboration with industrial companies and organisations. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at Brunel and is involved in a number of grants awarded from the UK research councils.