Leading Self-Organizing Teams
Andrea Provaglio
Have you adopted an Agile approach, but people in your team are still not showing the level of participation and commitment you were hoping for? Decisions-making is still not working right? Leadership is confused? The team’s morale is not taking off? Development is still deadline-driven?
Then you are not reaping many of the benefits that an Agile mindset may bring into your organization.
Attend this workshop to learn — through short lectures, open discussions and practical exercises — why Self-organization is so important, what factors may prevent it from happening and how to create an environment that fosters it.

Andrea Provaglio is an independent professional in the field of Agile/Lean software development, with 20+ years of experience in three different continents.
I help my clients to develop better products and to create better teams; and I support individuals and teams who want to improve technically and relationally.
My clients are from different domains, ranging from large organizations such as the European Commission in Brussels, to small and dynamic IT companies.
I currently work in Europe; I also worked for four years in the U.S. on a O-1 visa for “extraordinary abilities in Science”.
More information at: https://andreaprovaglio.com/