AgilES2013: Second International Workshop on Agility of Enterprise Systems
Xiaocheng Ge, Nour Ali and Xiaofeng Wang
Academic Workshop
As strategic and operating conditions become increasingly turbulent due to factors such as hyper-competition, regulatory changes from market and customers, and technological advancements, the ability to sense relevant change and respond appropriately becomes an important determinant of enterprise success. Enterprise systems play an important role in enabling such agility of enterprise business. An enterprise system provides a technical platform that enables organisations to run their business more effectively. Modern enterprise systems are usually an integration of information systems of many departments which are running in variable environment and contexts. Both the development and the evolution of an enterprise system require a lightweight approach to interoperability and the capability to actively react to changing requirements and failures. It is natural to relate such requirement of a lightweight approach to Agile Manifesto and agile software development, which are the reflection of agility on software development. In general, agility is a concept that incorporates the ideas of flexibility, balance, adaptability, and coordination under one umbrella. The agility of an enterprise system typically refers to the ability of an organization and the information system supporting its business processes to rapidly adapt to market and environmental changes in productive and cost-effective ways.
The AgilES workshop aims to be a major presentation and networking opportunity for researchers and practitioners so that they can exchange the results of rigorous scientific research, experience of industrial practices, or novel ideas on enterprise systems, especially about modelling, measuring, and enhancing agility of enterprise systems. To achieve this objective, we invite contributions critically reflecting on the current status of research and practice in enterprise systems on following topics, but not limited.
- Models and architecture of enterprise systems
- Enterprise systems in the new trend, e.g, for/in cloud computing
- Adoption and integration of enterprise systems
- Evolution of enterprise systems
- Agile development of enterprise system
- Architecture frameworks in the process of enterprise transformation
- Agile development methods to enterprise systems
- Framework of the agility of enterprise systems
- Maturity and agility of enterprise systems
For more information, see the Call for Papers
Questions about the workshop may be addressed to

Xiaocheng Ge has been a research associate at the Department of Computer Science, University of York, since 2004. His research interests include agile development of critical systems, model-based security/safety analysis, and business process analysis. He was a member of the publicity committee of 15th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, 2010.

Nour Ali is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Brighton. She previously was a research fellow at Lero – the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre, Ireland. Her research interests are software architecture, service oriented computing, distributed and mobile systems, aspect-oriented software development, model driven engineering and global software development. She serves as reviewer for several venues and journals such as Journal of Systems and Software, Journal of Information Systems and Technology, and IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. She has co-chaired and co-organized the IEEE International Workshop on Engineering Mobile Service Oriented Systems (EMSOS) and the IEEE Workshop on Future of Software Engineering for/in the Cloud. She is currently co- editing a special issue The Future of Software Engineering FOR/IN the Cloud FoSECloud, in the Journal of Systems and Software.

Xiaofeng Wang is a lecturer at the Free University of Bozen. Her research areas include software development process, methods, agile software development, and complex adaptive systems theory. Her doctoral study at the University of Bath investigated the application of complex adaptive systems theory in the research of agile software development. She publishes in major IS journals and conferences, including Information Systems Research (ISR), Journal of Information Technology (JIT), IEEE Software, the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).