Serious Games for change and engagement
Cesario RamosTalk: 60 minutes
If you are looking for ways to change the way you work and improve your products and customer service along the way this session is for you. We will present a case study where we used numerous Serious Games to change how people work so that better products and services are offered.
We discuss how we used Serious Games to improve management teams, engage employees, improve collaboration across departments, improve working processes and create more fun at the workplace. We describe how we worked with more then 100 people to discover breakthrough improvements using Innovation Games. We will discuss how we did it, which games we used, how we tailored the games? and what we learned.
Short Bio
Cesario Ramos works as an independent Agile Coach for various companies in The Netherlands. He is the originator of the Agile Lean Europe Bathtub conferences and a Professional Scrum Trainer from and Innovation GamesĀ® Qualified Instructor.