Scenario based testing- multiple browsers, devices, environments
Jodok BatloggTalk: 60 minutes
A case-study on how Lovely Systems tied together existing open source tools to provide a solution which provides the stake holders of an agile software project a live view on the current implementation status of their system. The framework was developed in the course of a software project for a german enterprise customer.
Built on top of Jenkins, Robotframework, Python and various other open-source components, the framework makes requirements described as use case scenarios testable and monitorable. Test-Cases are automatically generated from functional descriptions. The solution allows multiple teams working on multiple distribution channels of the same system to work together and report the outcome of each development iteration on a central dashboard.
Each use-case scenario is tested automatically for every defined frontend channel. For example, the use case “user buys product” is tested on multiple browsers and on over 20 mobile devices running on Android or IOS. Due to the reason that the defined scenarios are actually the test definitions, it is ensured that requirement specification and testing stays in sync at any time. The results are displayed in a dashboard which is focusing on simplicity. The dashboard can easily be integrated into wikis like confluence or simple html pages.
Short Bio
Jodok Batlogg is partner and cofounder of Lovely Systems. He is an agile being and shows strong technical background. He is involved in various international open source activities. Before Lovely Systems and being CTO of StudiVZ he also served in the Board of Directors of the Zope Foundation and Plone Foundation.