The Software Development Improvement Program: Agile Practices and Training at ABB
Per Branger
Manager, ABB (Sweden)
Software content is often a differentiating factor for the products we sell. Software development must be agile and follow best-in-class practices. ABB’s Software Development Improvement Program (SDIP) offers free classes for these best-in-class software solutions. Whether a manager needs to get a new employee up to speed, help a current employee increase productivity or cross-train a member of their staff, the SDIP classes are the starting point. SDIP provides engaging instructors, research-backed training methods, and a variety of delivery methods. All classes align with the 11 basic practices to which all software development groups within ABB are expected to adhere.

Per Branger works in ABB to improve software development, from small teams to relatively large teams in a geographical distributed environment. He has experience from different roles, as software developer, product manager and line manager.