12th-13th June 2023
in Vienna
12th-13th June 2023
in Vienna
Hosting is an ancient yet modern art to build relationships with others. The act of inviting someone, of welcoming them, of responding to their needs whilst taking responsibility for their safety offers a frame through which many dimensions of leadership can be viewed.
Think of yourself as a host, and the others involved as your guests. Imagine, how this idea will change behaviour.
One of the most important aspects of leading as a host is the art of stepping forward – and then stepping back. People expect leaders to step forward – after all, that is how they get attention, get their message across, begin to engage with people. Good hosts know, however, that it is equally important to step back, to allow space for others to engage, for people to connect, for multiple conversations to develop. When good leaders step back, they are not simply vanishing from the scene. They are alert, aware, looking around, talking to different groups, seeing how things are going. That is how they know when to step forward again, and in which role.
In Host Leadership, we talk about roles (instead of rules). A role is something you take on when needed and hosts change roles often, depending on the circumstances. The six roles are: Initiator – getting things moving, Inviter – involving others, Space Creator – building the context for interaction, Gatekeeper – negotiating the boundaries, Connector – link people and expertise together and, of course, Co-Participator – leading AND joining in.
Learn more about Host Leadership at and in brief through this article Lead as a Host not a Hero – Leadership that Builds Engagement and Performance by Mark McKergow.
Day one is all about sharing practice reports and inspiration. We are looking forward to great short talks and workshops from people who use the host model in their daily lives and talk about their experiences and approaches. If you are willing to contribute actively, we invite your ideas.
If you wish, we enjoy the first evening of the gathering together. The dinner takes place at your own expense to keep the ticket price low, and we are happy to organize a nice restaurant for all of us who want to join.
On the second day, we provide the castle, the park and a lot of materials so that you can discuss, create and talk about your personal fields of application and ideas with the other participants. We are already looking forward to this colourful and lively Open Space day.
Be our guest in the beautiful Miller-Aichholz Palace in Vienna from June 12th-13th, 2023.
We would be more than happy to welcome you to this event. Nobody else has your experiences, ideas, your visions and questions that can enrich us all so much. Let’s take an important step towards “cooperative leadership” and establish the idea of hosting and being a guest in the world of work. Miller-Aichholz Castle has room for you and another 79 great guests. And we can hardly wait to look at the future of cooperation anew in this wonderful historical ambience.
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If you come early and have time and interest on Sunday to spend another day with us, the sinnvollFÜHREN team invites you to visit the beautiful zoo Schönbrunn.
It was founded by the Habsburgs in 1752 and is the oldest zoo in the world. In Anthony Sheridan’s zoo ranking, the zoo was named as the best European zoo five times in a row (2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2018).
We would get a guided tour there at 10am and of course also visit our “foster kids”, the rock penguins. The tour takes about 2 hours. Afterwards you can – as long as you want – have a free look around the Tiergarten all day long.
Vienna waits for you
We have four different ticket categories for the Host Leadership Gathering. Each ticket includes your 2-day participation in the entire event, as well as catering for lunch and breaks.
1. The Early Adopter-Ticket: 10 of those are available at 415 Euro each (incl. 20% VAT) – with your quick booking and payment, you will help us to organise the gathering well in advance. This ticket type is only available before the program is published. Thank you very much for your support.
2. The Gathering Ticket: Once the early adopter ticket is sold out or the program is published, we offer the Gathering Ticket for a price of 445 EUR (incl. 20% VAT). We close the Gathering-Ticket 1 day before the gathering starts.
3. The On-Site Ticket: costs 500 EUR (incl. 20% VAT) and is available for those that like late decisions.
4. The Student-Ticket: We want to support students attending the gathering by offering a reduced ticket price of 400 Euro each (incl. 20% VAT). We require a valid student ID.
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Europahaus Wien, Linzer Str. 429, 1140 Wien
The Miller-Aicholz Palace and the House of Europe are a magnificent venue for this gathering.
Please check out the possibilities on how to get there…
We are here to help you to make this a great gathering for all.
We like to say “Thank you!” to our sponsors and supporters. Should you like to sponsor and support us as well, please contact us.